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The stem cell presented in all its aspects
The niches: What is the role of these spaces in stem cell communication?
Generating primed pluripotent epiblast stem cells: A methodology chapter.
Trying to make a difference for those with Type 1 diabetes: a lesson in patience as well as a willingness to fail mightily.
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Animal Models of Pancreas Development, Developmental Disorders, and Disease.
Alkaliphiles: The Versatile Tools in Biotechnology.
Rat C5(Complement Component 5) ELISA Kit
Mouse S100A7(S100 Calcium Binding Protein A7) ELISA Kit
Pig IgA(Immunoglobulin A) ELISA Kit
Cattle IL18(Interleukin 18) ELISA Kit
Mouse GLUT4(Glucose Transporter 4) ELISA Kit
Rat Ki67P(Ki-67 Protein) ELISA Kit
Dog TPS(Tryptase) ELISA Kit
Rat TPS(Tryptase) ELISA Kit
Rat EGFR2(Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor 2) ELISA Kit
Rat RANk(Receptor Activator Of Nuclear Factor Kappa B) ELISA Kit
Dog MMP3(Matrix Metalloproteinase 3) ELISA Kit
Rat IL20(Interleukin 20) ELISA Kit
Mouse IL20(Interleukin 20) ELISA Kit
Chicken MSTN(Myostatin) ELISA Kit
Pig IGFBP1(Insulin Like Growth Factor Binding Protein 1) ELISA Kit
Rat GUSb(Glucuronidase Beta) ELISA Kit
Pig EPO(Erythropoietin) ELISA Kit
Rat SPC(Surfactant Associated Protein C) ELISA Kit
Cattle TLR4(Toll Like Receptor 4) ELISA Kit
Rat GLUT4(Glucose Transporter 4) ELISA Kit
Pig PRL(Prolactin) ELISA Kit
Cattle IL4(Interleukin 4) ELISA Kit
Pig OPG(Osteoprotegerin) ELISA Kit
Dog IL13(Interleukin 13) ELISA Kit
Rat TH(Tyrosine Hydroxylase) ELISA Kit
Mouse APOB(Apolipoprotein B) ELISA Kit
Pig ICAM1(Intercellular Adhesion Molecule 1) ELISA Kit
Dog IGF1(Insulin Like Growth Factor 1) ELISA Kit
Dog IP10(Interferon Gamma Induced Protein 10kDa) ELISA Kit
Rat C5b-9(Terminal Complement Complex C5b-9) ELISA Kit
Horse VEGFA(Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor A) ELISA Kit
Cattle MMP3(Matrix Metalloproteinase 3) ELISA Kit
Horse MMP3(Matrix Metalloproteinase 3) ELISA Kit
Cattle CCKAR(Cholecystokinin A Receptor) ELISA Kit
Dog CCKAR(Cholecystokinin A Receptor) ELISA Kit
Guinea pig CCKAR(Cholecystokinin A Receptor) ELISA Kit
Pig MMP3(Matrix Metalloproteinase 3) ELISA Kit
Goat MMP7(Matrix Metalloproteinase 7) ELISA Kit
Horse MMP7(Matrix Metalloproteinase 7) ELISA Kit
Cattle MMP7(Matrix Metalloproteinase 7) ELISA Kit
Guinea pig MMP8(Matrix Metalloproteinase 8) ELISA Kit
Guinea pig NGF(Nerve Growth Factor) ELISA Kit
Pig NGF(Nerve Growth Factor) ELISA Kit
Guinea pig RANTES(Regulated On Activation In Normal T-Cell Expressed And Secreted) ELISA Kit
Pig RANTES(Regulated On Activation In Normal T-Cell Expressed And Secreted) ELISA Kit
Mouse CFB(Complement Factor B) ELISA Kit
Rat CFB(Complement Factor B) ELISA Kit
Cattle ACE(Angiotensin I Converting Enzyme) ELISA Kit
Guinea pig IL2(Interleukin 2) ELISA Kit
Pig CD40L(Cluster Of Differentiation 40 Ligand) ELISA Kit
Cattle IgA(Immunoglobulin A) ELISA Kit
Guinea pig IFNa(Interferon Alpha) ELISA Kit
Rat KRT18(Keratin 18) ELISA Kit
Rat SDC1(Syndecan 1) ELISA Kit
Rat PDGFRa(Platelet Derived Growth Factor Receptor Alpha) ELISA Kit
Pig DEFb2(Defensin Beta 2) ELISA Kit
Cattle SCF(Stem Cell Factor) ELISA Kit
Dog SCF(Stem Cell Factor) ELISA Kit
Pig SCF(Stem Cell Factor) ELISA Kit
Cattle TGFb1(Transforming Growth Factor Beta 1) ELISA Kit
Horse TGFb1(Transforming Growth Factor Beta 1) ELISA Kit
Pig TREM1(Triggering Receptor Expressed On Myeloid Cells 1) ELISA Kit
Cattle AREG(Amphiregulin) ELISA Kit
Cattle IGF2(Insulin Like Growth Factor 2) ELISA Kit
Cattle IGFBP1(Insulin Like Growth Factor Binding Protein 1) ELISA Kit
Cattle TIMP2(Tissue Inhibitors Of Metalloproteinase 2) ELISA Kit
Horse TIMP2(Tissue Inhibitors Of Metalloproteinase 2) ELISA Kit
Pig TIMP2(Tissue Inhibitors Of Metalloproteinase 2) ELISA Kit
Cattle TIMP3(Tissue Inhibitors Of Metalloproteinase 3) ELISA Kit
Goat TIMP3(Tissue Inhibitors Of Metalloproteinase 3) ELISA Kit
Horse TIMP3(Tissue Inhibitors Of Metalloproteinase 3) ELISA Kit
Pig TIMP3(Tissue Inhibitors Of Metalloproteinase 3) ELISA Kit
Cattle IGFBP2(Insulin Like Growth Factor Binding Protein 2) ELISA Kit
Pig IGFBP2(Insulin Like Growth Factor Binding Protein 2) ELISA Kit
Dog CAV1(Caveolin 1) ELISA Kit
Rat TGFb3(Transforming Growth Factor Beta 3) ELISA Kit
Cattle TIMP4(Tissue Inhibitors Of Metalloproteinase 4) ELISA Kit
Pig TIMP4(Tissue Inhibitors Of Metalloproteinase 4) ELISA Kit
Goat TNFa(Tumor Necrosis Factor Alpha) ELISA Kit
Horse TNFa(Tumor Necrosis Factor Alpha) ELISA Kit
Cattle TNFb(Tumor Necrosis Factor Beta) ELISA Kit
Pig TNFb(Tumor Necrosis Factor Beta) ELISA Kit
Cattle IGFBP3(Insulin Like Growth Factor Binding Protein 3) ELISA Kit
Cattle IGFBP4(Insulin Like Growth Factor Binding Protein 4) ELISA Kit
Cattle COL1a2(Collagen Type I Alpha 2) ELISA Kit
Cattle TPO(Thrombopoietin) ELISA Kit
Dog TPO(Thrombopoietin) ELISA Kit
Cattle uPA(Plasminogen Activator, Urokinase) ELISA Kit
Pig uPA(Plasminogen Activator, Urokinase) ELISA Kit
Goat IL10(Interleukin 10) ELISA Kit
Horse IL10(Interleukin 10) ELISA Kit
Cattle IL12B(Interleukin 12B) ELISA Kit
Dog IL12B(Interleukin 12B) ELISA Kit
Goat IL12B(Interleukin 12B) ELISA Kit
Horse IL12B(Interleukin 12B) ELISA Kit
Guinea pig IL12B(Interleukin 12B) ELISA Kit
Cattle IL12A(Interleukin 12A) ELISA Kit
Dog IL12A(Interleukin 12A) ELISA Kit
Goat IL12A(Interleukin 12A) ELISA Kit
Horse IL12A(Interleukin 12A) ELISA Kit
Pig IL12A(Interleukin 12A) ELISA Kit
Cattle IL13(Interleukin 13) ELISA Kit
Horse IL13(Interleukin 13) ELISA Kit
Cattle IL15(Interleukin 15) ELISA Kit
Pig ANG(Angiogenin) ELISA Kit
Cattle aFP(Alpha-Fetoprotein) ELISA Kit
Dog aFP(Alpha-Fetoprotein) ELISA Kit
Horse aFP(Alpha-Fetoprotein) ELISA Kit
Pig aFP(Alpha-Fetoprotein) ELISA Kit
Cattle IL16(Interleukin 16) ELISA Kit
Cattle IL17(Interleukin 17) ELISA Kit
Horse IL17(Interleukin 17) ELISA Kit
Rat IGFBP5(Insulin Like Growth Factor Binding Protein 5) ELISA Kit
Cattle TGFb2(Transforming Growth Factor Beta 2) ELISA Kit
Rat ALDM(Aldehyde Dehydrogenase, Mitochondrial) ELISA Kit
Guinea pig IGF1(Insulin Like Growth Factor 1) ELISA Kit
Cattle ADP(Adiponectin) ELISA Kit
Cattle VF(Visfatin) ELISA Kit
Cattle ADM(Adrenomedullin) ELISA Kit
Pig ADM(Adrenomedullin) ELISA Kit
Cattle IFNb(Interferon Beta) ELISA Kit
Dog IFNb(Interferon Beta) ELISA Kit
Dog IL1RA(Interleukin 1 Receptor Antagonist) ELISA Kit
Horse IL1RA(Interleukin 1 Receptor Antagonist) ELISA Kit
Horse IFNb(Interferon Beta) ELISA Kit
Cattle IL1RA(Interleukin 1 Receptor Antagonist) ELISA Kit
Horse IL18(Interleukin 18) ELISA Kit
Simian IL1RA(Interleukin 1 Receptor Antagonist) ELISA Kit
Mouse C5b-9(Terminal Complement Complex C5b-9) ELISA Kit
Cattle GFAP(Glial Fibrillary Acidic Protein) ELISA Kit
Cattle COL3(Collagen Type III) ELISA Kit
Cattle aHSG(Alpha-2-Heremans Schmid Glycoprotein) ELISA Kit
Cattle PF4(Platelet Factor 4) ELISA Kit
Pig PF4(Platelet Factor 4) ELISA Kit
Dog ELA2(Elastase 2, Neutrophil) ELISA Kit
Cattle PGA(Pepsinogen A) ELISA Kit
Cattle ANG(Angiogenin) ELISA Kit
Dog IL1a(Interleukin 1 Alpha) ELISA Kit
Horse IL1a(Interleukin 1 Alpha) ELISA Kit
Guinea pig IL1a(Interleukin 1 Alpha) ELISA Kit
Horse DEFb2(Defensin Beta 2) ELISA Kit
Horse IL2(Interleukin 2) ELISA Kit
Pig AP(Aprotinin) ELISA Kit
Dog IL3(Interleukin 3) ELISA Kit
Horse IL4(Interleukin 4) ELISA Kit
Cattle IL5(Interleukin 5) ELISA Kit
Dog IL5(Interleukin 5) ELISA Kit
Horse IL5(Interleukin 5) ELISA Kit
Cattle IL6(Interleukin 6) ELISA Kit
Horse IL6(Interleukin 6) ELISA Kit
Horse IL8(Interleukin 8) ELISA Kit
Pig LIF(Leukemia Inhibitory Factor) ELISA Kit
Dog LEP(Leptin) ELISA Kit
Horse LEP(Leptin) ELISA Kit
Cattle MCP2(Monocyte Chemotactic Protein 2) ELISA Kit
Pig MCP2(Monocyte Chemotactic Protein 2) ELISA Kit
Cattle MDC(Macrophage Derived Chemokine) ELISA Kit
Pig CTSK(Cathepsin K) ELISA Kit
Cattle IGFBP6(Insulin Like Growth Factor Binding Protein 6) ELISA Kit
Dog MIP1a(Macrophage Inflammatory Protein 1 Alpha) ELISA Kit
Dog MIP3b(Macrophage Inflammatory Protein 3 Beta) ELISA Kit
Cattle MMP1(Matrix Metalloproteinase 1) ELISA Kit
Horse MMP1(Matrix Metalloproteinase 1) ELISA Kit
Pig MMP10(Matrix Metalloproteinase 10) ELISA Kit
Cattle MMP13(Matrix Metalloproteinase 13) ELISA Kit
Goat MMP13(Matrix Metalloproteinase 13) ELISA Kit
Horse MMP13(Matrix Metalloproteinase 13) ELISA Kit
Pig MMP13(Matrix Metalloproteinase 13) ELISA Kit
Cattle THBS1(Thrombospondin 1) ELISA Kit
Pig APOA1(Apolipoprotein A1) ELISA Kit
Rat OAS1(2′,5′-Oligoadenylate Synthetase 1) ELISA Kit
Cattle PIINP(Procollagen II N-Terminal Propeptide) ELISA Kit
Horse PIINP(Procollagen II N-Terminal Propeptide) ELISA Kit
Cattle GAL8(Galectin 8) ELISA Kit
Pig TRY(Trypsin) ELISA Kit
Cattle GAL1(Galectin 1) ELISA Kit
Cattle GDH(Glutamate Dehydrogenase 1) ELISA Kit
Cattle GPX1(Glutathione Peroxidase 1) ELISA Kit
Pig GPX1(Glutathione Peroxidase 1) ELISA Kit
Cattle LPO(Lactoperoxidase) ELISA Kit
Rat ELN(Elastin) ELISA Kit
Cattle ANGPT1(Angiopoietin 1) ELISA Kit
Rat GT(Gastrin) ELISA Kit
Pig CTGF(Connective Tissue Growth Factor) ELISA Kit
Pig BMP2(Bone Morphogenetic Protein 2) ELISA Kit
Cattle BMP4(Bone Morphogenetic Protein 4) ELISA Kit
Dog BMP4(Bone Morphogenetic Protein 4) ELISA Kit
Goat BMP4(Bone Morphogenetic Protein 4) ELISA Kit
Pig BMP4(Bone Morphogenetic Protein 4) ELISA Kit
Cattle S100(S100 Calcium Binding Protein) ELISA Kit
Pig CNTF(Ciliary Neurotrophic Factor) ELISA Kit
Cattle ECF(Eosinophil Chemotactic Factor) ELISA Kit
Horse ECF(Eosinophil Chemotactic Factor) ELISA Kit
Guinea pig ECF(Eosinophil Chemotactic Factor) ELISA Kit
Cattle EG-VEGF(Endocrine Gland Derived Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor) ELISA Kit
Horse EPO(Erythropoietin) ELISA Kit
Dog SELE(Selectin, Endothelium) ELISA Kit
Cattle FGF1(Fibroblast Growth Factor 1, Acidic) ELISA Kit
Goat FGF1(Fibroblast Growth Factor 1, Acidic) ELISA Kit
Pig FGF1(Fibroblast Growth Factor 1, Acidic) ELISA Kit
Goat GHRH(Growth Hormone Releasing Hormone) ELISA Kit
Mouse AT(Antithrombin) ELISA Kit
Dog GT(Gastrin) ELISA Kit
Cattle FGF4(Fibroblast Growth Factor 4) ELISA Kit
Cattle IFNa(Interferon Alpha) ELISA Kit
Horse IFNa(Interferon Alpha) ELISA Kit
Rat FECH(Ferrochelatase) ELISA Kit
Rat PYY(Peptide YY) ELISA Kit
Rat SOST(Sclerostin) ELISA Kit
Rat CAT(Catalase) ELISA Kit
Rat GPX3(Glutathione Peroxidase 3, Plasma) ELISA Kit
Rat AchE(Acetylcholinesterase) ELISA Kit
Mouse COL10(Collagen Type X) ELISA Kit
Rat ANG(Angiostatin) ELISA Kit
Guinea pig IgG2(Immunoglobulin G2) ELISA Kit
Dog HMG1(High Mobility Group Protein 1) ELISA Kit
Pig HMG1(High Mobility Group Protein 1) ELISA Kit
Pig APOE(Apolipoprotein E) ELISA Kit
Cattle GH(Growth Hormone) ELISA Kit
Mouse IL24(Interleukin 24) ELISA Kit
Dog CT(Calcitonin) ELISA Kit
Horse GH(Growth Hormone) ELISA Kit
Rabbit ALP(Alkaline Phosphatase) ELISA Kit
Pig FG(Fibrinogen) ELISA Kit
Dog HGF(Hepatocyte Growth Factor) ELISA Kit
Dog ADP(Adiponectin) ELISA Kit
Dog TSH(Thyroid Stimulating Hormone) ELISA Kit
Rat SDC4(Syndecan 4) ELISA Kit
Rat MGP(Matrix Gla Protein) ELISA Kit
Rat MYC(V-Myc Myelocytomatosis Viral Oncogene Homolog) ELISA Kit
Dog GH(Growth Hormone) ELISA Kit
Rat SPB(Surfactant Associated Protein B) ELISA Kit
Pig C5a(Complement Component 5a) ELISA Kit
Rat VEGFR1(Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Receptor 1) ELISA Kit
Rat PKCb1(Protein Kinase C Beta 1) ELISA Kit
Rat FPN(Ferroportin) ELISA Kit
Rat DCD(Dermcidin) ELISA Kit
Goat LH(Luteinizing Hormone) ELISA Kit
Rat MAPt(Microtubule Associated Protein Tau) ELISA Kit
Rat FASN(Fatty Acid Synthase) ELISA Kit
Rat AGRP(Agouti Related Protein) ELISA Kit
Rat REG1a(Regenerating Islet Derived Protein 1 Alpha) ELISA Kit
Rat MyoD(Myogenic Differentiation) ELISA Kit
Dog TRAIL(Tumor Necrosis Factor Related Apoptosis Inducing Ligand) ELISA Kit
Rat a1AT(Alpha-1-Antitrypsin) ELISA Kit
Rat MIg(Monokine Induced By Interferon Gamma) ELISA Kit
Dog NOS2(Nitric Oxide Synthase 2, Inducible) ELISA Kit
Rat AR(Androgen Receptor) ELISA Kit
Rat GR(Glutathione Reductase) ELISA Kit
Cattle MPO(Myeloperoxidase) ELISA Kit
Horse MPO(Myeloperoxidase) ELISA Kit
Cattle FG(Fibrinogen) ELISA Kit
Rat TNFSF12(Tumor Necrosis Factor Ligand Superfamily, Member 12) ELISA Kit
Dog C3a(Complement Component 3a) ELISA Kit
Rabbit AGC(Aggrecan) ELISA Kit
Rat COL9a1(Collagen Type IX Alpha 1) ELISA Kit
Rat COL10(Collagen Type X) ELISA Kit
Dog F8(Coagulation Factor VIII) ELISA Kit
Rat OXTR(Oxytocin Receptor) ELISA Kit
Pig FE(Ferritin) ELISA Kit
Mouse FOXA2(Forkhead Box Protein A2) ELISA Kit
Mouse OAS1(2′,5′-Oligoadenylate Synthetase 1) ELISA Kit
Pig a1AGP(Alpha-1-Acid Glycoprotein) ELISA Kit
Rat CPA2(Carboxypeptidase A2, Pancreatic) ELISA Kit
Rat CPA1(Carboxypeptidase A1, Pancreatic) ELISA Kit
Mouse ETS1(V-Ets Erythroblastosis Virus E26 Oncogene Homolog 1) ELISA Kit
Mouse SFRP4(Secreted Frizzled Related Protein 4) ELISA Kit
Dog PTH(Parathyroid Hormone) ELISA Kit
Cattle RBP4(Retinol Binding Protein 4, Plasma) ELISA Kit
Rat GPAM(Glycerol-3-Phosphate Acyltransferase, Mitochondrial) ELISA Kit
Rat KISS1(Kisspeptin 1) ELISA Kit
Mouse DSC1(Desmocollin 1) ELISA Kit
Pig F1+2(Prothrombin Fragment 1+2) ELISA Kit
Mouse MYO5A(Myosin VA) ELISA Kit
Mouse EAAT2(Excitatory Amino Acid Transporter 2) ELISA Kit
Mouse ATP1b1(ATPase, Na+/K+ Transporting Beta 1 Polypeptide) ELISA Kit
Mouse ATP2B2(ATPase, Ca++ Transporting, Plasma Membrane 2) ELISA Kit
Mouse UQCRC2(Ubiquinol Cytochrome C Reductase Core Protein II) ELISA Kit
Mouse ARPC4(Actin Related Protein 2/3 Complex Subunit 4) ELISA Kit
Mouse KL(Klotho) ELISA Kit
Rat VGF(VGF Nerve Growth Factor Inducible) ELISA Kit
Mouse TAF12(TATA Box Binding Protein Associated Factor 12) ELISA Kit
Mouse SRSF4(Serine/Arginine Rich Splicing Factor 4) ELISA Kit
Mouse PPP3R1(Protein Phosphatase 3, Regulatory Subunit 1) ELISA Kit
Mouse GRIN2A(Glutamate Receptor, Ionotropic, N-Methyl-D-Aspartate 2A) ELISA Kit
Mouse HRG(Histidine Rich Glycoprotein) ELISA Kit
Rat PUMA(p53 Upregulated Modulator Of Apoptosis) ELISA Kit
Rat IL22Ra2(Interleukin 22 Receptor Alpha 2) ELISA Kit
Rat THBS2(Thrombospondin 2) ELISA Kit
Mouse CRYaB(Crystallin Alpha B) ELISA Kit
Mouse PDGFRL(Platelet Derived Growth Factor Receptor Like Protein) ELISA Kit
Pig GHRL(Ghrelin) ELISA Kit
Rat NT(Neurotensin) ELISA Kit
Rat ARO(Aromatase) ELISA Kit
Mouse SFRP5(Secreted Frizzled Related Protein 5) ELISA Kit
Mouse SESN2(Sestrin 2) ELISA Kit
Mouse PENK(Proenkephalin) ELISA Kit
Mouse SESN3(Sestrin 3) ELISA Kit
Mouse SESN1(Sestrin 1) ELISA Kit
Mouse JUNB(Jun B Proto Oncogene) ELISA Kit
Mouse METRN(Meteorin) ELISA Kit
Mouse IL17C(Interleukin 17C) ELISA Kit
Rat TFR(Transferrin Receptor) ELISA Kit
Mouse BMP8B(Bone Morphogenetic Protein 8B) ELISA Kit
Mouse INSL5(Insulin Like Protein 5) ELISA Kit
Rat TGM2(Transglutaminase 2, Tissue) ELISA Kit
Mouse KARS(Lysyl tRNA Synthetase) ELISA Kit
Mouse IL18BP(Interleukin 18 Binding Protein) ELISA Kit
Rat BCKDK(Branched Chain Alpha-Ketoacid Dehydrogenase Kinase) ELISA Kit
Rat CPR(Cytochrome P450 Reductase) ELISA Kit
Human CLEC3B(C-Type Lectin Domain Family 3, Member B) ELISA Kit
Rat CTSG(Cathepsin G) ELISA Kit
Mouse SOST(Sclerostin) ELISA Kit
Mouse NPFF(Neuropeptide FF) ELISA Kit
Human HTRA1(High Temperature Requirement Factor A1) ELISA Kit
Mouse CRAT(Carnitine Acetyltransferase) ELISA Kit
Mouse CAST(Calpastatin) ELISA Kit
Mouse CA9(Carbonic Anhydrase IX) ELISA Kit
Mouse TAS1R2(Taste Receptor Type 1 Member 2) ELISA Kit
Rat TPH1(Tryptophan Hydroxylase 1) ELISA Kit
Mouse GNb1(G Protein Beta 1) ELISA Kit
Cattle APOB100(Apolipoprotein B100) ELISA Kit
Rat CASP1(Caspase 1) ELISA Kit
Mouse UCP1(Uncoupling Protein 1, Mitochondrial) ELISA Kit
Cattle sIgA(Secretory Immunoglobulin A) ELISA Kit
Pig CXCR4(Chemokine C-X-C-Motif Receptor 4) ELISA Kit
Human SEMA3A(Semaphorin 3A) ELISA Kit
Human NFASC(Neurofascin) ELISA Kit
Mouse LGI3(Leucine Rich Repeat LGI Family, Member 3) ELISA Kit
Mouse SFRP1(Secreted Frizzled Related Protein 1) ELISA Kit
Mouse HIF2a(Hypoxia Inducible Factor 2 Alpha) ELISA Kit
Human INPP4A(Inositol Polyphosphate-4-Phosphatase Type I 107kDa) ELISA Kit
Mouse FUS(Fusion) ELISA Kit
Mouse OPTN(Optineurin) ELISA Kit
Mouse PCDH15(Protocadherin 15) ELISA Kit
Human RAD51(RAD51 Homolog) ELISA Kit
Cattle AP(Aprotinin) ELISA Kit
Rat CBG(Corticosteroid Binding Globulin) ELISA Kit
Mouse LECT1(Leukocyte Cell Derived Chemotaxin 1) ELISA Kit
Mouse CLC(Charcot Leyden Crystal Protein) ELISA Kit
Human PLA2G12B(Phospholipase A2, Group XIIB) ELISA Kit
Mouse DNMT3B(DNA Methyltransferase 3B) ELISA Kit
Mouse GLP1R(Glucagon Like Peptide 1 Receptor) ELISA Kit
Mouse CRN(Corin) ELISA Kit
Rat IL23R(Interleukin 23 Receptor) ELISA Kit
Rat LCAT(Lecithin Cholesterol Acyltransferase) ELISA Kit
Rat BNIP3(Bcl2/Adenovirus E1B 19kDa Interacting Protein 3) ELISA Kit
Human HCRP1(Hepatocellular Carcinoma Related Protein 1) ELISA Kit
Rat CRHBP(Corticotropin Releasing Hormone Binding Protein) ELISA Kit
Human ST14(Suppression Of Tumorigenicity 14) ELISA Kit
Rat VEGFR3(Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Receptor 3) ELISA Kit
Rat CPT2(Carnitine Palmitoyltransferase 2, Mitochondrial) ELISA Kit
Human ANGPTL6(Angiopoietin Like Protein 6) ELISA Kit
Human CLDN9(Claudin 9) ELISA Kit
Human BHLHB8(Basic Helix Loop Helix Domain Containing Protein B8) ELISA Kit
Pig MYO(Myoglobin) ELISA Kit
Pig VCAM1(Vascular Cell Adhesion Molecule 1) ELISA Kit
Rat OCLN(Occludin) ELISA Kit
Rat P4Ha1(Prolyl-4-Hydroxylase Alpha Polypeptide I) ELISA Kit
Mouse BMP10(Bone Morphogenetic Protein 10) ELISA Kit
Mouse S1PR1(Sphingosine 1 Phosphate Receptor 1) ELISA Kit
Rat UMOD(Uromodulin) ELISA Kit
Mouse IkBKb(Inhibitor Of Kappa-Light Polypeptide Gene Enhancer In B-Cells Kinase Beta) ELISA Kit
Dog ENG(Endoglin) ELISA Kit
Rat CD19(Cluster Of Differentiation 19) ELISA Kit
Human KCNN2(Potassium Intermediate Small Conductance Calcium Activated Channel Subfamily N, Member 2) ELISA Kit
Human IL1F9(Interleukin 1 Family, Member 9) ELISA Kit
Human PA2G4(Proliferation Associated Protein 2G4) ELISA Kit
Mouse OCLN(Occludin) ELISA Kit
Mouse CLDN2(Claudin 2) ELISA Kit
Rat VNN1(Vanin 1) ELISA Kit
Human GM2A(GM2 Ganglioside Activator) ELISA Kit
Mouse ACP2(Acid Phosphatase 2, Lysosomal) ELISA Kit
Rat DLG4(Discs, Large Homolog 4) ELISA Kit
Human DDX5(DEAD Box Polypeptide 5) ELISA Kit
Pig LTF(Lactoferrin) ELISA Kit
Rat PSEN1(Presenilin 1) ELISA Kit
Rat CAMK2a(Calcium/Calmodulin Dependent Protein Kinase II Alpha) ELISA Kit
Dog TIMP1(Tissue Inhibitors Of Metalloproteinase 1) ELISA Kit
Mouse REG3g(Regenerating Islet Derived Protein 3 Gamma) ELISA Kit
Mouse RYR1(Ryanodine Receptor 1, Skeletal) ELISA Kit
Mouse NFIB(Nuclear Factor I/B) ELISA Kit
Human RSPO1(R-Spondin 1) ELISA Kit
Human EGFL6(EGF Like Domain Protein, Multiple 6) ELISA Kit
Human SEMA3C(Semaphorin 3C) ELISA Kit
Mouse NPNT(Nephronectin) ELISA Kit
Pig NT-ProBNP(N-Terminal Pro-Brain Natriuretic Peptide) ELISA Kit
Mouse ZPI(Protein Z Dependent Protease Inhibitor) ELISA Kit
Human SECTM1(Secreted And Transmembrane Protein 1) ELISA Kit
Mouse CMA1(Chymase 1, Mast Cell) ELISA Kit
Human WNT3(Wingless Type MMTV Integration Site Family, Member 3) ELISA Kit
Human WNT2(Wingless Type MMTV Integration Site Family, Member 2) ELISA Kit
Human WNT1(Wingless Type MMTV Integration Site Family, Member 1) ELISA Kit
Human FAM5C(Family With Sequence Similarity 5, Member C) ELISA Kit
Rat ARNTL(Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor Nuclear Translocator Like Protein) ELISA Kit
Rat NR1D2(Nuclear Receptor Subfamily 1, Group D, Member 2) ELISA Kit
Rat VLDLR(Very Low Density Lipoprotein Receptor) ELISA Kit
Rat APP(Amyloid Precursor Protein) ELISA Kit
Rat CDKN1A(Cyclin Dependent Kinase Inhibitor 1A) ELISA Kit
Mouse THBS2(Thrombospondin 2) ELISA Kit
Rat CA9(Carbonic Anhydrase IX) ELISA Kit
Mouse IL1RAP(Interleukin 1 Receptor Accessory Protein) ELISA Kit
Mouse PDPK1(Phosphoinositide Dependent Protein Kinase 1) ELISA Kit
Human HTRA4(High Temperature Requirement Factor A4) ELISA Kit
Mouse COL6a1(Collagen Type VI Alpha 1) ELISA Kit
Rat ALDOB(Aldolase B, Fructose Bisphosphate) ELISA Kit
Rat ALDOC(Aldolase C, Fructose Bisphosphate) ELISA Kit
Mouse GS(Gelsolin) ELISA Kit
Rat GS(Glutamine synthetase) ELISA Kit
Rat LIPE(Lipase, Hormone Sensitive) ELISA Kit
Mouse NAGa(N-Acetylgalactosaminidase Alpha) ELISA Kit
Human PLA2G4D(Phospholipase A2, Group IVD) ELISA Kit
Dog C5a(Complement Component 5a) ELISA Kit
Rat SOD2(Superoxide Dismutase 2, Mitochondrial) ELISA Kit
Rat NSMASE(Neutral Sphingomyelinase) ELISA Kit
Rat SIRT1(Sirtuin 1) ELISA Kit
Rat SIRT3(Sirtuin 3) ELISA Kit
Rat PPARgC1a(Peroxisome Proliferator Activated Receptor Gamma Coactivator 1 Alpha) ELISA Kit
Mouse UMOD(Uromodulin) ELISA Kit
Mouse EFNB2(Ephrin B2) ELISA Kit
Rat ALPI(Alkaline Phosphatase, Intestinal) ELISA Kit
Rat HSPb8(Heat Shock Protein Beta 8) ELISA Kit
Mouse TMEM27(Transmembrane Protein 27) ELISA Kit
Rat TMEM27(Transmembrane Protein 27) ELISA Kit
Human AGGF1(Angiogenic Factor With G Patch And FHA Domains 1) ELISA Kit
Rat FABP4(Fatty Acid Binding Protein 4, Adipocyte) ELISA Kit
Mouse GLS(Glutaminase) ELISA Kit
Mouse GLS2(Glutaminase 2) ELISA Kit
Rat LMNA(Lamin A/C) ELISA Kit
Rat ALAS1(Aminolevulinate Delta Synthase 1) ELISA Kit
Mouse TNNT2(Troponin T Type 2, Cardiac) ELISA Kit
Human CCDC3(Coiled Coil Domain Containing Protein 3) ELISA Kit
Rat FADS2(Fatty Acid Desaturase 2) ELISA Kit
Rat FADS1(Fatty Acid Desaturase 1) ELISA Kit
Human GADL1(Glutamate Decarboxylase Like Protein 1) ELISA Kit
Human WNT10A(Wingless Type MMTV Integration Site Family, Member 10A) ELISA Kit
Human WNT7B(Wingless Type MMTV Integration Site Family, Member 7B) ELISA Kit
Human WNT7A(Wingless Type MMTV Integration Site Family, Member 7A) ELISA Kit
Human WNT10B(Wingless Type MMTV Integration Site Family, Member 10B) ELISA Kit
Rat NRF1(Nuclear Respiratory Factor 1) ELISA Kit
Human GADD45a(Growth Arrest And DNA Damage Inducible Protein Alpha) ELISA Kit
Mouse ENSa(Endosulfine Alpha) ELISA Kit
Human TCIRG1(T-Cell, Immune Regulator 1) ELISA Kit
Human ARL1(Aldose Reductase Like Protein 1) ELISA Kit
Rat CRHR1(Corticotropin Releasing Hormone Receptor 1) ELISA Kit
Rat HTR2C(5-Hydroxytryptamine Receptor 2C) ELISA Kit
Mouse TPT1(Tumor Protein, Translationally Controlled 1) ELISA Kit
Rat GKN1(Gastrokine 1) ELISA Kit
Rabbit VEGF121(Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor 121) ELISA Kit
Mouse FGF11(Fibroblast Growth Factor 11) ELISA Kit
Mouse FGF12(Fibroblast Growth Factor 12) ELISA Kit
Rat CNR1(Cannabinoid Receptor 1, Brain) ELISA Kit
Rat AhR(Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor) ELISA Kit
Mouse CPA3(Carboxypeptidase A3, Mast Cell) ELISA Kit
Mouse ITPA(Inosine Triphosphatase) ELISA Kit
Mouse PSPN(Persephin) ELISA Kit
Rat PDPN(Podoplanin) ELISA Kit
Mouse HSPG2(Heparan Sulfate Proteoglycan 2) ELISA Kit
Rat CPA3(Carboxypeptidase A3, Mast Cell) ELISA Kit
Rat TNNI1(Troponin I Type 1, Slow Skeletal) ELISA Kit
Mouse LOX(Lysyl Oxidase) ELISA Kit
Mouse TNNI2(Troponin I Type 2, Fast Skeletal) ELISA Kit
Rat TNNI2(Troponin I Type 2, Fast Skeletal) ELISA Kit
Human aZGP1(Alpha-2-Glycoprotein 1, Zinc Binding) ELISA Kit
Human RAB37(RAB37, Member RAS Oncogene Family) ELISA Kit
Human RIOK1(RIO Kinase 1) ELISA Kit
Cattle IL1a(Interleukin 1 Alpha) ELISA Kit
Rat PPOX(Protoporphyrinogen Oxidase) ELISA Kit
Rat GALT(Galactose-1-Phosphate Uridylyltransferase) ELISA Kit
Mouse PDE12(Phosphodiesterase 12) ELISA Kit
Mouse PDGFC(Platelet Derived Growth Factor C) ELISA Kit
Human NQO1(NADH Dehydrogenase, Quinone 1) ELISA Kit
Horse IL1b(Interleukin 1 Beta) ELISA Kit
Human MUC13(Mucin 13, Cell Surface Associated) ELISA Kit
Human RAD54L2(RAD54 Like Protein 2) ELISA Kit
Mouse CHD4(Chromodomain Helicase DNA Binding Protein 4) ELISA Kit
Rat CTSD(Cathepsin D) ELISA Kit
Mouse MSLN(Mesothelin) ELISA Kit
Mouse SYNPO2(Synaptopodin 2) ELISA Kit
Rat PTX3(Pentraxin 3, Long) ELISA Kit
Rat NCDN(Neurochondrin) ELISA Kit
Rat SAP(Serum Amyloid P Component) ELISA Kit
Rat GCP2(Granulocyte Chemotactic Protein 2) ELISA Kit
Rat GKN2(Gastrokine 2) ELISA Kit
Mouse gABRa2(Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid A Receptor Alpha 2) ELISA Kit
Mouse AIRE(Autoimmune Regulator) ELISA Kit
Rat TNNT2(Troponin T Type 2, Cardiac) ELISA Kit
Mouse DLG4(Discs, Large Homolog 4) ELISA Kit
Rat OCT(Ornithine Carbamoyl Transferase) ELISA Kit
Rat MRC1(Mannose Receptor C Type 1) ELISA Kit
Rat GC(Glucagon) ELISA Kit
Rat BAFF(B-Cell Activating Factor) ELISA Kit
Mouse DUSP5(Dual Specificity Phosphatase 5) ELISA Kit
Mouse HRH4(Histamine Receptor H4) ELISA Kit
Human PI16(Peptidase Inhibitor 16) ELISA Kit
Rat ADAMTS7(A Disintegrin And Metalloproteinase With Thrombospondin 7) ELISA Kit
Human FAM3B(Family With Sequence Similarity 3, Member B) ELISA Kit
Rat EDN2(Endothelin 2) ELISA Kit
Rat NTE(Neuropathy Target Esterase) ELISA Kit
Human MXRA5(Matrix Remodelling Associated Protein 5) ELISA Kit
Mouse STC1(Stanniocalcin 1) ELISA Kit
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